Game info: Unreal was the first game to use Tim Sweeney's game engine, which he named he Unreal-Engine. He developed it in his garage for about 3 years before development of the Unreal game started. Unreal was developed by Epic MegaGames, Digital Extremes and Legend Entertainment. It was released in 1998 by GT Interactive. The expansion, Return to Na Pali, was released a year later in 1999. Today the two are bundles together under the name 'Unreal Gold' and sold on Steam and GOG, fully updated and with D3D and OpenGL support for newer PC systems.
Plot (Spoiler lert): The player takes control of 'Prisoner 849' who wakes up inside a broken prison onboard a cargo spaceship. After escaping, the prisoner learns that the ship has crash-landed on a foreign planet (Na Pali). The planet is being attacked by a reptilian humanoid race, that is hostile to the player as well. The reason for the invasion is the rare mineral, Tarydium, which is found in large quantities on Na Pali. The player helps the local four-armed humanoid race to fight back the reptilians throughout the game. No other living humans are found, but the player stumbles upon dead ones here and there. Even another human spacecraft, but no one is alive. At the end of the game the player finds the reptilian mother-ship, and have to face the reptilian queen. After destroying the reptilian queen the player finds an escape pod and drifts into space.
The expansion, Unreal: Return to Na Pali, starts with the player being found by a human military starship. They force the player to return back to Na Pali to locate another ship by the name Prometheus, and retrieve some weapons research. Of course things don't exactly go according to plan, and the player once again have face hostile aliens while looking for a way to get escape the planet Na Pali.